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The Origin of Copper Refining Rotary Furnace

Release time:2024-12-11 12:57 Views:

The rotary furnace has existed for hundreds of years. In the past, it was used for rough processing of powder and minerals, such as cement calcination. With the development of society and the attention of the country, the rotary furnace has advanced design technology and equipment. The following will focus on the origin of copper refining rotary furnace.

The rotary kiln is a very important sintering equipment. The ceramic industry in Germany, Italy, Japan and other countries has made great progress, but China's new rotary kiln technology and firing technology are at the forefront of the world. However, in the past ten years, my country has improved and innovated the new rotary kiln technology and application technology according to national conditions, and has made great progress.

Copper Refining Rotary Furnace

Copper is a kind of production and living material closely related to people's lives. This has not only had a significant impact on the development of human civilization, but also had a profound impact on the development model of the whole world.

China ranks first in the world in copper consumption, but the shortage of domestic copper resources has seriously restricted its development. For a long time, China's copper resources have been in short supply, and domestic production has been difficult to meet the needs of rapid growth. China's demand for refined copper has been in a state of steady growth for a long time, and its use has been newly measured against the background of social development and economic development. Therefore, the development of China's copper smelting industry is also bright.

Before 1985, my country's crude copper pyrometallurgy was fixed and not suitable for the smelting of liquid crude copper. The rotary anode smelting process is introduced to improve the current situation of my country's copper smelting industry. In the past, my country's copper pyrometallurgy used a fixed reverberatory furnace, that is, the charging was fed by the feeding door on one side, the cold material was fed by the feeder, and the copper liquid had to be fed through the flowing launder, which was cumbersome to operate. The oxidation-reduction operation was manual, and the refining slag was manually peeled. The amount of copper output was large, and manual operation was easy to cause eye and eye blockage, which was time-consuming, labor-intensive, and unsafe. The rotary refining furnace can rotate and stop at the feeding point. The molten copper solution can be wrapped in the furnace mouth, eliminating the feeding trough, making the feeding work simple, and using the nozzle for oxidation-reduction, eliminating the bending, mud wrapping, drying and storage of the steel pipe. During the oxidation-reduction process, the furnace body rotates and the nozzle rotates downward, so there is no need to manually lift and insert the pipe; the furnace mouth is rotated below the slag surface to discharge the slag, so there is no need to manually strip the slag in the reverberatory furnace; the copper eye is turned below the liquid to discharge the copper, thus avoiding manual copper burning in the reverberatory furnace. In short, the transformation of the furnace body device by the rotary refining furnace is essentially a comprehensive transformation.

With the emergence of the copper refining rotary furnace, copper smelting technology has gradually developed.